Sunday, May 6, 2007

Iris versicolor

Blue Flag
is a native of Eastern Canada and the northern United States found in swamps and in lowlands. It grows 2-3 foot with 1-inch sword-shaped leaves. The rhizomes are the commercial source of Iridin.

Blooming Time: May-July. The blue flowers with yellow and white markings are 3-4 inches across.

Culture: Iris versicolor need full sun to partial shade with a heavy, rich moist soil. We use a soil mix consisting of 2 parts clay to 1 part loam to 1 part sand. The plants are kept moist at all times, which makes it a great plant for water features. The plant should be fertilized in the spring before flowering and again after the blooms have faded. They grow very quickly and should be re-potted on a yearly basis.

Propagation: Iris versicolor are propagated by division or by seed. Seeds need a 3-month cold, moist stratification. The seed should germinate in 21-60 days at 60° F.

Hardiness: Zones 2-7

It died :(

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